Create the climate that enables everyone to thrive
Accelerating social innovation to help solve important social problems now and in the future
Create the climate that enables everyone to thrive
Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to live a happy and fulfilling life without worrying about whether they can afford or get access to basic needs
Established in 2019, the Barnes Family Foundation Center for Social Innovation is both an open, virtual space and a dynamic, physical space located in the United Way Worldwide building in Alexandria, Virginia
Gather, measure and analyze indicative current and real-time data about the conditions needed for everyone to thrive
Increase awareness locally, regionally and nationally of current conditions and future forecasts
Build momentum and consensus needed to drive greater equity and improve these conditions
Stimulate research, accelerate data-driven interventions and scale successful social innovation
Motivate and reward positive personal interactions to increase happiness and sense of purpose as well as reduce loneliness and isolation